Our Principles
We will prioritize the empowerment and flourishing of BIPOC, LGBTQ, the differently abled, and other disproportionately impacted and oppressed identities.
We will accomplish this principle by centering and raising the voices of these identities in any and all ways possible along with providing education about these identities in local educational settings and community gatherings.
We will stand against white supremacy and bigotry.
We will accomplish this principle by refuting discriminatory practices wherever and whenever they occur. Such refutation will be accomplished through advocacy and peaceful actions and will be accompanied by education and support as people are given an opportunity to learn and grow. We will also promote political candidates and local leaders who stand with us in this cause.
We will work to restore and celebrate BIPOC, LGBTQ, the differently abled, and other disproportionately impacted and oppressed identities.
We will accomplish this principle by providing spaces, places, and occasions for celebrating these identities such as Black History Month and Pride Month. To every extent possible, those spaces, places and occasions will be accessible to all. We will also invite and participate in discussions regarding reparations. We will commit to restoring joyful, peaceful relations through authentic conversations.